Public Channels
Poloniex Futures v2 API It will gradually go offline later, and you can access the V3 API to provide you with a better trading experience.
Get Real-Time Symbol Ticker
Topic: /contractMarket/ticker:{symbol}
"id": 1545910660740,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contractMarket/ticker:BTCUSDTPERP",
"response": true
"subject": "ticker",
"topic": "/contractMarket/ticker:BTCUSDTPERP",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Market of the symbol
"sequence": 45, //Sequence number which is used to judge the continuity of the pushed messages
"side": "sell", //Transaction side of the last traded taker order
"price": 3600.00, //Filled price
"size": 16, //Filled quantity
"tradeId": "5c9dcf4170744d6f5a3d32fb", //Order ID
"bestBidSize": 795, //Best bid size
"bestBidPrice": 3200.00, //Best bid
"bestAskPrice": 3600.00, //Best ask size
"bestAskSize": 284, //Best ask
"ts": 1553846081210004941 //Filled time - nanosecond
Subscribe this topic to get the realtime push of BBO changes.
The ticker channel provides real-time price updates whenever a match happens. If multiple orders are matched at the same time, only the last matching event will be pushed.
Please note that more information maybe added to messages from this channel in the near future.
Level 2 Market Data
Topic: /contractMarket/level2:{symbol}
Subscribe to this topic to get Level 2 order book data.
The websocket system will send the incremental feed to you.
"id": 1545910660740,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contractMarket/level2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"response": true
"subject": "level2",
"topic": "/contractMarket/level2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"type": "message",
"data": {
"lastSequence": 8, //After receiving the current message, if the lastSequence of the current message = the sequence of the previous message, the incremental push is complete.
"sequence": 18, //Sequence number which is used to judge the continuity of pushed messages
"change": "5000.0,sell,83", //[deprecated]Price, side, quantity
"changes": ["5000.0,sell,83","5001.0,sell,3"], //Price, side, quantity。incremental change in multiple gears
"timestamp": 1551770400000
Calibration procedure:
- After receiving the websocket Level 2 data flow, cache the data.
- Initiate REST Level 2 snapshot request to get the snapshot data of Level 2 order book.
- Playback the cached Level 2 data flow.
- Apply the new Level 2 data flow to the local snapshot to ensure that the sequence of the new Level 2 update lines up with the sequence of the previous Level 2 data. Discard all the message prior to that sequence, and then playback the change to snapshot.
- Update the Level 2 full data based on the sequence according to the size. If the size equals to 0, you can update the sequence and remove the price of which the size is 0 out of Level 2. For other cases, please update the price and size.
- If the sequence of the newly pushed message does not line up to the sequence of the last message, you can pull through REST Level 2 message request to get the updated messages. Please note that the difference between the start and end parameters cannot exceed 500.
The change property of Level 2 updates is a string value of "price,size,sequence". Please note that size is the updated size at that price Level. A size of "0" indicates that the price Level can be removed.
Get the snapshot of the order book through REST request Level 2 snapshot to build a local order book. Suppose we get the data as following:
"sequence": 16,
Thus, the current order book is as following:
Price | Size | Side |
3988.62 | 8 | Sell 4 |
3988.61 | 32 | Sell 3 |
3988.60 | 47 | Sell 2 |
3988.59 | 3 | Sell 1 |
3988.51 | 56 | Buy 1 |
3988.50 | 15 | Buy 2 |
3988.49 | 100 | Buy 3 |
3988.48 | 10 | Buy 4 |
After subscribing you will receive a change message as follows:
"data": {
"sequence": 17,
"change": "3988.50,buy,44" //Price, side, quantity
"data": {
"sequence": 18,
"change": "3988.61,sell,0" //Price, side, quantity
In the beginning, the sequence of the order book is 16. Discard the feed data of a sequence that is below or equals to 16, and apply playback to the sequence [17,18] to update the snapshot of the order book. Now the sequence of your order book is 18 and your local order book is up-to-date.
- Update size of 3988.50 to 44 (Sequence 17)
- Remove 3988.61 (Sequence 18)
Now your order book is up-to-date and the final data is as follows:
Price | Size | Side |
3988.62 | 8 | Sell 3 |
3988.60 | 47 | Sell 2 |
3988.59 | 3 | Sell 1 |
3988.51 | 56 | Buy 1 |
3988.50 | 44 | Buy 2 |
3988.49 | 100 | Buy 3 |
3988.48 | 10 | Buy 4 |
Execution data
Topic: /contractMarket/execution:{symbol}
"id": 1545910660741,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contractMarket/execution:BTCUSDTPERP",
"response": true
For each order executed, the system will send you the match messages in the format as following.
"topic": "/contractMarket/execution:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "match",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"sequence": 36, //Sequence number which is used to judge the continuity of the pushed messages
"side": "buy", // Side of liquidity taker
"matchSize": 1, //Filled quantity
"size": 1, //unFilled quantity
"price": 3200.00, // Filled price
"takerOrderId": "5c9dd00870744d71c43f5e25", //Taker order ID
"ts": 1553846281766256031, //Filled time - nanosecond
"makerOrderId": "5c9d852070744d0976909a0c", //Maker order ID
"tradeId": "5c9dd00970744d6f5a3d32fc" //Transaction ID
Full matching engine data:Level 3
Topic: /contractMarket/level3v2:{symbol}
"id": 1545910660742,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:{symbol}",
"response": true
Subscribe to this topic to get the full data for Level 3 orders and trades. After subscription, you will receive the Level 3 real-time order and trading data, and you can use the data to maintain and update your local Level 3 order book data.
Note: please subscribe to the topic for Level 2 if Level 2 order book data needs to be maintained.
The process to maintain an up-to-date Level 3 order book is described below.
- Send a subscribe message for a symbol of which you want to build the order book.
- Queue every message received over the websocket stream.
- Make a REST request to Get Full Order Book - Level 3 and get the snapshot data of the order book.
- Playback queued messages, and discard sequence numbers before or equal to the snapshot sequence number.
- Apply playback messages to the snapshot as needed (see below).
- After playback is complete, apply real-time stream messages as they arrive.
- If the sequence of the received message is not constant with the previous message, please retry 1-6 to rebuild the orderbook.
Any Open and Match messages will result in changes to the order book. The following messages(RECEIVED, OPEN, UPDATE, MATCH, DONE) are sent over the websocket stream in JSON format after subscribing to this channel:
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "received",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", // symbol
"sequence": 3262786900, // sequence
"orderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd02x", // order ID
"clientOid": "ad123ad", // optional, for you to identify your order
"ts": 1545914149935808589
When the matching engine receives an order command, the system will send a received message to you. Please specify the clientOid in your request to assess if the order is your own in the public channel.
When the remaining part in a limit order enters the order book, the system will send an OPEN message to the user.
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "open",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", // symbol
"sequence": 3262786900, // sequence
"side": "buy", // buy or sell
"price": "3634.5", // price
"size": "10", // size
"orderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd02x", // order ID
"orderTime": 1547697294838004923, // time
"ts": 1547697294838004923, // time when the order enters the order book
If the order is updated, the system will send an UPDATE message to the user.
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "update",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", // symbol
"sequence": 3262786897, // sequence
"orderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd01f", // order ID
"size": "100", // updated size
"ts": 1547697294838004923 // update time - nanosecond
If the order is matched, the system will send a MATCH message to the user. Level 3 here means buy/sell of the taker order.
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "match",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", // symbol
"sequence": 3262786901, // sequence
"side": "buy", // buy or sell of taker
"price": "3634", // filled price
"size": "10", // filled size
"makerOrderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd01e", // maker order ID
"takerOrderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd01f", // taker order ID
"tradeId": "6c23b5454353a8882d023b3o", // trade ID
"ts": 1547697294838004923 // transaction time - nanosecond
When the matching life cycle of an order ends, the order will no longer be displayed on the order book and the system will send a DONE message to the user.
"topic": "/contractMarket/level3v2:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "done",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", // symbol
"sequence": 3262786901, // sequence
"reason": "filled", // filled or canceled
"orderId": "5c0b520032eba53a888fd02x", // order ID
"ts": 1547697294838004923, // completion time
Message channel for the 5 best ask/bid full data of Level 2
Topic: /contractMarket/level2Depth5:{symbol}
"type": "message",
"topic": "/contractMarket/level2Depth5:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "level2",
"data": {
["9993", "3"],
["9992", "3"],
["9991", "47"],
["9990", "32"],
["9989", "8"]
["9988", "56"],
["9987", "15"],
["9986", "100"],
["9985", "10"],
["9984", "10"]
"ts": 1590634672060667000
Returned for every 100 milliseconds at most.
Message channel for the 50 best ask/bid full data of Level 2
Topic: /contractMarket/level2Depth50:{symbol}
"type": "message",
"topic": "/contractMarket/level2Depth50:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "level2",
"data": {
"ts": 1590634672060667000
Returned for every 100 milliseconds at most.
Contract Market Data
Topic: /contract/instrument:{symbol}
//Contract Market Data
"id": 1545910660742,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contract/instrument:BTCUSDTPERP",
"response": true
Subscribe this topic to get the market data of the contract.
Mark Price & Index Price
//Mark Price & Index Price
"topic": "/contract/instrument:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "mark.index.price",
"data": {
"granularity": 1000, //Granularity
"indexPrice": 4000.23, //Index price
"markPrice": 4010.52, //Mark price
"timestamp": 1551770400000
Funding Rate
//Funding Rate
"topic": "/contract/instrument:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "funding.rate",
"data": {
"granularity": 60000, //Granularity (predicted funding rate: 1-min granularity: 60000; Funding rate: 8-hours granularity: 28800000. )
"fundingRate": -0.002966, //Funding rate
"timestamp": 1551770400000
System Annoucements
Subscribe this topic to get the system announcements.
topic: /contract/announcement
//System Annoucements
"id": 1545910660742,
"type": "subscribe",
"topic": "/contract/announcement",
"response": true
Start Funding Fee Settlement
//Start Funding Fee Settlement
"topic": "/contract/announcement",
"subject": "funding.begin",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"fundingTime": 1551770400000, //Funding time
"fundingRate": -0.002966, //Funding rate
"timestamp": 1551770400000
End Funding Fee Settlement
//End Funding Fee Settlement
"topic": "/contract/announcement",
"subject": "funding.end",
"data": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"fundingTime": 1551770400000, //Funding time
"fundingRate": -0.002966, //Funding rate
"timestamp": 1551770410000
Transaction Statistics Timer Event
The transaction statistics will be pushed to users every 3 seconds.
Topic: /contractMarket/snapshot:{symbol}
//Transaction Statistics Timer Event
"topic": "/contractMarket/snapshot:BTCUSDTPERP",
"subject": "snapshot.24h",
"data": {
"volume": 30449670, //24h Volume
"turnover": 845169919063, //24h Turnover
"lastPrice": 3551, //Last price
"priceChgPct": 0.0043, //24h Change
"ts": 1547697294838004923 //Snapshot time (nanosecond)