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Get Current Position


Get information about your current position.

HTTP Request

GET /v3/trade/position/opens

Request Parameters

symbolNoStringTrading pair; if the field is empty, you will get the information about all of your current positions.

Response Parameters

symbolStringA trading pair
sideStringEnumerate: BUY, SELL
mgnModeStringMargin Mode, Enumerate: ISOLATED, CROSS
posSideStringPosition side LONG SHORT BOTH
openAvgPxStringAverage entry price
qtyStringConts of positions (Position size after execution)
availQtyStringConts available to close
leverStringLeverage, from 1 to 75.
adlStringADL (Auto-Deleveraging)
liqPxStringEst. liquidation price
imStringInitial margin
mmStringMaintenance margin
mgnStringIsolated position margin
maxWAmtStringISOLATED maximum amount that can be withdrawn
uplStringUnrealized PnL (calculated based on mark price)
uplRatioStringUnrealized PnL% (calculated based on mark price)
pnlStringRealized PnL
markPxStringMark price
mgnRatioStringMargin rate
stateStringPosition Status: NORMAL, LIQ, and ADL
actTypeStringAccount type
tpTrgPxStringTake profit trigger price
slTrgPxStringStop loss trigger price
cTimeStringCreation time
uTimeStringUpdate time

Request Example


Response Example

"code": 200,
"data": [
"adl": "0.1666",
"availQty": "1",
"cTime": "1719894977164",
"im": "1.955006333333333333",
"lever": "30",
"liqPx": "0",
"markPx": "58650.19",
"mgn": "1.955006333333333333",
"maxWAmt": "100000",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"posSide": "BOTH",
"mgnRatio": "0",
"mm": "0.322576045",
"openAvgPx": "58651",
"pnl": "0",
"qty": "1",
"side": "BUY",
"state": "NORMAL",
"actType": "TRADING",
"tpTrgPx": "58670",
"slTrgPx": "61003",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"uTime": "1719974554434",
"upl": "-0.00081",
"uplRatio": "-0.0004"
"msg": "Success"