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Adjust Margin for Isolated Margin Trading Positions


Add or reduce margin for positions in isolated margin mode.

HTTP Request

POST /v3/trade/position/margin

Request Parameters

symbolYesStringA trading pair, consisting of two currencies: base currency and quote currency
posSideNoStringPosition side, opening and closing mode is required, LONG-long or SHORT-short. Buying and selling mode, optional.
amtYesStringMargin amount
typeYesStringADD or REDUCE

Response Parameters

symbolStringA trading pair, consisting of two currencies: base currency and quote currency
posSideStringPosition side LONG SHORT BOTH
amtStringMargin amount
typeStringADD or REDUCE
leverStringLeverage of the current position, from 1 to 75

Request Example:

"symbol": "DOT_USDT_PERP",
"posSide": "BOTH",
"type": "ADD",
"amt": "50"

Response Example

"code": 200,
"data": {
"amt": "50",
"lever": "20",
"symbol": "DOT_USDT_PERP",
"posSide": "BOTH",
"type": "ADD"
"msg": "Success"