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Get Execution Details


Get detailed information about your executed futures order.

HTTP Request

GET /v3/trade/order/trades

Request Parameters

sideNoStringTrade Side, Enumerate BUY and SELL
symbolNoStringA trading pair, consisting of two currencies: base currency and quote currency
ordIdNoStringOrder ID
clOrdIdNoStringClient Order ID as assigned by the client
sTimeNoStringStarting time of the order, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds. The default is the last 180 days
eTimeNoStringEnding time of the order, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds. The default is the last 180 days
fromNoLongIt is id. ID for the query starts at 0 by default.
limitNoIntegerPagination size defaults to 10, with a maximum limit of 100.
directNoStringEnumerate: PREV, NEXT, The default is NEXT

Response Parameters

idStringPagination Query Id
symbolStringA trading pair, consisting of two currencies: base currency and quote currency
clOrdIdStringClient Order ID as assigned by the client
ordIdStringOrder ID
trdIdStringTrade ID
sideStringEnumerate: BUY and SELL
typeStringExecution Type: TRADE, LIQUIDATION, ADL, and DELIVERY
mgnModeStringMargin Mode, Enumerate: ISOLATED, CROSS, CASH
ordTypeStringOrder type; enumerate MARKET, LIMIT, and LIMIT_MAKER
roleStringExecution Role: MAKER, TAKER
pxStringdeal price
qtyStringdeal size
cTimeLongExecution time
uTimeLongUpdate time, defaulting to execution time
feeCcyStringName of the currency used for trading fees
feeAmtStringCumulative amount of trading fee
deductCcyStringName of the currency used to deduct trading fees
deductAmtStringCumulative amount of trading fee deducted
feeRateStringFee rate

Request Example:


Response Example

"code": 200,
"data": [
"cTime": "1719973930900",
"clOrdId": "polo331381602863284224",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00009405",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331381604734197760",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "MARKET",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "3",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "SELL",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000010",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719973930924"
"cTime": "1719973768764",
"clOrdId": "polo331380922769473536",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00009408",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331380924627804160",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "LIMIT",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "3",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "BUY",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000009",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719973768805"
"cTime": "1719973712703",
"clOrdId": "12345",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00009408",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331380688039698432",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "MARKET",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "3",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "BUY",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000008",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719973712728"
"cTime": "1719919125209",
"clOrdId": "polo331151680320307200",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.0000282195",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.00015",
"id": "331151731411378176",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "LIMIT",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "3",
"role": "MAKER",
"side": "SELL",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000007",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719919125228"
"cTime": "1719916971102",
"clOrdId": "polo331142696133722112",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00006271",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331142696796676096",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "MARKET",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "2",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "BUY",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000006",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719916971125"
"cTime": "1719912288938",
"clOrdId": "988d6142-8b61-43d2-a689-5acbe4c72979",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00003135",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331123058117435393",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "MARKET",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "1",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "SELL",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000005",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719912289003"
"cTime": "1719910543693",
"clOrdId": "3701b9a4-8f91-4783-95f3-189bdf516f36",
"deductAmt": "0",
"deductCcy": "",
"feeAmt": "0.00003135",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeRate": "0.0005",
"id": "331115738218094592",
"mgnMode": "CROSS",
"ordType": "MARKET",
"px": "60000",
"qty": "1",
"role": "TAKER",
"side": "SELL",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"trdId": "100000004",
"type": "TRADE",
"uTime": "1719910543804"
"msg": "Success"