
Error Codes

Belos is the list of error codes and its description.


Error CodeDescription
500Internal System Error
603Internal Request Timeout
601Invalid Parameter
415System Error
602Missing Required Parameters


Error CodeDescription
21604Invalid UserId
21600Account Not Found
21605Invalid Account Type
21102Invalid Currency
21100Invalid account
21704Missing UserId and/or AccountId
21700Error updating accounts
21705Invalid currency type
21707Internal accounts Error
21708Currency not available to User
21601Account locked. Contact support
21711Currency locked. Contact support
21709Insufficient balance
250000Transfer error. Try again later
250001Invalid toAccount for transfer
250002Invalid fromAccount for transfer
250003Invalid transfer amount
250004Transfer is not supported
250005Insufficient transfer balance
250008Invalid transfer currency
250012Futures account is not valid


Error CodeDescription
21110Invalid quote currency
10040Invalid symbol
10060Symbol setup error
10020Invalid currency
10041Symbol frozen for trading
21340No order creation/cancelation is allowed as Poloniex is in Maintenane Mode
21341Post-only orders (type as LIMIT_MAKER) allowed as Poloniex is in Post Only Mode
21342Price is higher than highest bid as Poloniex is in Maintenance Mode
21343Price is lower than lowest bid as Poloniex is in Maintenance Mode
21351Trading for this account is frozen. Contact support
21352Trading for this currency is frozen
21353Trading for US customers is not supported
21354Account needs to be verified via email before trading is enabled. Contact support
24106Invalid market depth
24201Service busy. Try again later


Error CodeDescription
21301Order not found
21302Batch cancel order error
21304Order is filled
21305Order is canceled
21307Error during Order Cancelation
21309Order price must be greater than 0
21310Order price must be less than max price
21311Order price must be greater than min price
21312Client orderId already exists
21314Max limit of open orders (2000) exceeded
21315Client orderId exceeded max length of 17 digits
21317Amount must be greater than 0
21319Invalid order side
21320Invalid order type
21321Invalid timeInForce value
21322Amount is less than minAmount trade limit
21324Invalid account type
21327Order pice must be greater than 0
21328Order quantity must be greater than 0
21330Quantity is less than minQuantity trade limit
21335Invalid priceScale for this symbol
21336Invalid quantityScale for this symbol
21337Invalid amountScale for this symbol
21344Value of limit param is greater than max value of 100
21345Value of limit param value must be greater than 0
21346Order Id must be of type Long
21348Order type must be LIMIT_MAKER
21347Stop price must be greater than 0
21349Order value is too large
21350Amount must be greater than 1 USDT
21355Interval between startTime and endTime in trade/order history has exceeded 7 day limit
21356Order size would cause too much price movement. Reduce order size.
24101Invalid symbol
24102Invalid K-line type
24103Invalid endTime
24104Invalid amount
24105Invalid startTime
25020No active kill switch


Error CodeDescription
25000Invalid userId
25001Invalid parameter
25002Invalid userId.
25003Unable to place order
25004Client orderId already exists
25005Unable to place smart order
25006OrderId and clientOrderId already exists
25007Invalid orderid
25008Both orderId and clientOrderId are required
25009Failed to cancel order
25010Unauthorized to cancel order
25011Failed to cancel due to invalid paramters
25012Failed to cancel
25013Failed to cancel as orders were not found
25014Failed to cancel as smartorders were not found
25015Failed to cancel as no orders exist
25016Failed to cancel as unable to release funds
25017No orders were canceled
25018Invalid accountType
25019Invalid symbol