
Reference Data


Information for symbols such as state and trade limits info. These are the same fields as /markets. Supports subscribing to a list of symbols or to all symbols.

Stream Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol e.g: BTC_USDT
baseCurrencyNameStringbase currency name
quoteCurrencyNameStringquote currency name
displayNameStringsymbol display name
visibleStartTimeLongtime since symbol is visible in the frontend
tradableStartTimeLongtime since symbol is tradable
symbolTradeLimitMapsymbol market configuration
crossMarginMapsymbol cross margin info
symbolTradeLimit field
Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
priceScaleIntegerdecimal precision for price
quantityScaleIntegerdecimal precision for quantity
amountScaleIntegerdecimal precision for amount
minQuantityStringminimum required quantity
minAmountStringminimum required amount
highestBidStringmaximum allowed bid price (market bound)
lowestAskStringminimum allowed ask price (market bound)
crossMargin field
Response FieldData TypeDescription
supportCrossMarginBooleanindicates if symbol supports cross margin
maxLeverageIntegermaximum supported leverage
# --> Request
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": ["symbols"],
"symbols": ["btc_usdt","eth_usdt"]

# <-- Receipt Confirmation
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": "symbols",
"symbols": ["BTC_USDT","ETH_USDT"]

# <-- Stream
"channel": "symbols",
"action": "snapshot",
"data": [
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"baseCurrencyName": "BTC",
"quoteCurrencyName": "USDT",
"displayName": "BTC/USDT",
"state": "NORMAL",
"visibleStartTime": 1234567890,
"tradableStartTime": 1234567890,
"symbolTradeLimit": {
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"priceScale": 10,
"quantityScale": 8,
"amountScale": 8,
"minQuantity": "0.000000000000000001",
"minAmount": "0.000000000000000001",
"highestBid": "0.00",
"lowestAsk": "0.00"
"crossMargin": {
"supportCrossMargin": true,
"maxLeverage": 3
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"baseCurrencyName": "ETH",
"quoteCurrencyName": "USDT",
"displayName": "ETH/USDT",
"state": "NORMAL",
"visibleStartTime": 1234567890,
"tradableStartTime": 1234567890,
"symbolTradeLimit": {
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"priceScale": 10,
"quantityScale": 8,
"amountScale": 8,
"minQuantity": "0.000000000000000001",
"minAmount": "0.000000000000000001",
"highestBid": "45000.00",
"lowestAsk": "30000.00"
"crossMargin": {
"supportCrossMargin": true,
"maxLeverage": 3


Information for currencies. These are the same fields as /currencies including child chains. Supports subscribing to a list of currencies or to all currencies.

Stream Response FieldData TypeDescription
idIntegercurrency id
nameStringcurrency name
descriptionStringthe type of blockchain the currency runs on
typeStringcurrency type
withdrawalFeeStringThe network fee necessary to withdraw this currency
minConfIntegerthe minimum number of blocks necessary before a deposit can be credited to an account
depositAddressStringif available, the deposit address for this currency.
blockchainStringthe blockchain the currency runs on
delistedBooleandesignates whether (true) or not (false) this currency has been delisted from the exchange
tradingStateStringcurrency trading state: NORMAL or OFFLINE
walletStateStringcurrency state: ENABLED or DISABLED
parentChainStringonly displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. The parent chain
isMultiChainBooleanIndicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a multi chain
isChildChainBooleanIndicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a child chain
supportCollateralBooleanindicates if this currency supports collateral in cross margin
supportBorrowBooleanIndicates if this currency supports borrows in cross margin
childChainsArray of StringThe child chains
# --> Request
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": ["currencies"],
"currencies": ["BTC"]

# <-- Receipt Confirmation
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": "currencies",
"currencies": ["BTC"]

# <-- Stream
"channel": "currencies",
"action": "snapshot",
"data": [
"currency": "BTC",
"id" : 28,
"name" : "Bitcoin",
"description" : "BTC Clone",
"type" : "address",
"withdrawalFee" : "0.00050000",
"minConf" : 2,
"depositAddress" : null,
"blockchain" : "BTC",
"delisted" : false,
"tradingState" : "NORMAL",
"walletState" : "ENABLED",
"parentChain" : null,
"isMultiChain" : true,
"isChildChain" : false,
"supportCollateral": true,
"supportBorrow": true,
"childChains" : [ "BTCTRON" ]


Provides status of MM (maintenance mode) or POM (post only mode) for the exchange.

Stream Response FieldData TypeDescription
MMStringmaintenance mode e.g: ON or OFF
POMStringpost only mode e.g: ON or OFF
# --> Request
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": ["exchange"]

# <-- Receipt Confirmation
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": "exchange"

# <-- Stream
"channel": "exchange",
"action" : "snapshot",
"data": [
"MM" : "ON",
"POM" : "OFF"