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Deposit Addresses

  • GET

Get all deposit addresses for a user.

Some currencies use a common deposit address for everyone on the exchange and designate the account for which this payment is destined by populating paymentID field. In these cases, use /currencies to look up the mainAccount for the currency to find the deposit address and use the address returned here as the paymentID. Note: currencies will only include a mainAccount property for currencies which require a paymentID.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
currencyStringfalsethe currency to display for the deposit address. If not specified, the deposit address of all currencies will be displayed.
Response FieldData TypeDescription
currencyStringthe deposit address for the currency
Example output:
"AAVE": "0xae8d0d7c520daebb1580dabaa91f3ccf8ae492f5",
"AMP": "0xae8d0d7c520daebb1580dabaa91f3ccf8ae492f5",
"ATOM": "cosmos18clcz526q274gdvmjv820f45pua03rhn4xplkz",
"XLMBEAR": "0xae8d0d7c520daebb1580dabaa91f3ccf8ae492f5",
"XLMBULL": "0xae8d0d7c520daebb1580dabaa91f3ccf8ae492f5",
"XYM": "bqz8hDK2mm"

Wallets Activity Records

  • GET

Get deposit and withdrawal activity history within a range window for a user

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
startLongtruethe start UNIX timestamp of activities
endLongtruethe end UNIX timestamp of activities
activityTypeStringfalseThe type of activity: deposits and withdrawals. If no activity type is specified, activities of all types will be returned.
Response FieldData TypeDescription
depositsJson objectlist of deposits activities
withdrawalsJson objectlist of withdrawals activities
deposits FieldData TypeDescription
depositNumberLongthe unique deposit ID for this deposit
currencyStringthe currency of this deposit
addressStringthe address to which this deposit was sent
amountStringthe total value of the deposit (network fees will not be included in this)
confirmationsIntegerthe total number of confirmations for this deposit
txidStringthe blockchain transaction ID of this deposit
timestampLongthe UNIX timestamp when this deposit was first noticed
statusStringthe current status of this deposit (either PENDING or COMPLETED)
withdrawals FieldData TypeDescription
withdrawalRequestsIdLongthe unique ID for this withdrawal
currencyStringthe currency of this withdrawal
addressStringthe address to which the withdrawal was made
amountStringthe total amount withdrawn including the fee
feeStringthe fee paid to the exchange for this withdrawal
timestampLongthe Unix timestamp of the withdrawal
statusStringthe status of the withdrawal (one of PROCESSING, AWAITING APPROVAL, COMPLETED or COMPLETE ERROR)
txidStringthe blockchain transaction ID of this withdrawal
ipAddressStringthe IP address which initiated the withdrawal request
paymentIDStringthe paymentID specified for this withdrawal. If none were specified, the field will be null
Example output:
"depositNumber": 7397520,
"currency": "BTC",
"address": "131rdg5Rzn6BFufnnQaHhVa5ZtRU1J2EZR",
"amount": "0.06830697",
"confirmations": 1,
"txid": "3a4b9b2404f6e6fb556c3e1d46a9752f5e70a93ac1718605c992b80aacd8bd1d",
"timestamp": 1506005439,
"status": "COMPLETED"
"depositNumber": 7397521,
"currency": "BCH",
"address": "1FhCkdKeMGa621mCpAtFYzeVfUBnHbooLj",
"amount": "10.00000000",
"confirmations": 5,
"txid": "eb2e0914105b02fbe6e17913d74b4e5950c1ba122eb71afdfc49e2c58b272456",
"timestamp": 1508436102,
"status": "COMPLETED"
"depositNumber": 7397518,
"currency": "ETH",
"address": "0xb7e033598cb94ef5a35349316d3a2e4f95f308da",
"amount": "29.99825341",
"confirmations": 53,
"txid": "f7e7eeb44edcad14c0f90a5fffb1cbb4b80e8f9652124a0838f6906ca939ccd2",
"timestamp": 1537305507,
"status": "COMPLETED"
"withdrawalRequestsId": 7397527,
"currency": "ETC",
"address": "0x26419a62055af459d2cd69bb7392f5100b75e304",
"amount": "13.19951600",
"fee": "0.01000000",
"timestamp": 1506010932,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"txid": "343346392f82ac16e8c2604f2a604b7b2382d0e9d8030f673821f8de4b5f5bk",
"ipAddress": "",
"paymentID": null
"withdrawalRequestsId": 7704882,
"currency": "ETH",
"address": "0x00c90335F92FfcD26C8c915c79d7aB424454B7c7",
"amount": "0.01318826",
"fee": "0.00500000",
"timestamp": 1507908127,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"txid": "423346392f82ac16e8c2604f2a604b7b2382d0e9d8030f673821f8de4b5f5a30",
"ipAddress": "",
"paymentID": null

New Currency Address

  • POST

Create a new address for a currency.

Some currencies use a common deposit address for everyone on the exchange and designate the account for which this payment is destined by populating paymentID field. In these cases, use /currencies to look up the mainAccount for the currency to find the deposit address and use the address returned here as the paymentID. Note: currencies will only include a mainAccount property for currencies which require a paymentID.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
currencyStringtruethe currency to use for the deposit address
Example request:
"currency": "TRX"
Response FieldData TypeDescription
addressStringthe newly created address
Example output:
"address": "0xae8d0d7c520daebb1580dabaa91f3ccf8ae492f5"

Withdraw Currency

  • POST

Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation. In order to use this method, withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key.

Some currencies use a common deposit address for everyone on the exchange and designate the account for which this payment is destined by populating paymentID field. In these cases, use /currencies to look up the mainAccount for the currency to find the deposit address and use the address returned by /wallets/addresses or generate one using /wallets/address as the paymentId. Note: currencies will only include a mainAccount property for currencies which require a paymentID.

For currencies where there are multiple networks to choose from (like USDT or BTC), you can specify the chain by setting the "currency" parameter to be a multiChain currency name, like USDTTRON, USDTETH, or BTCTRON. You can get information on these currencies, like fees or if they"re disabled, by adding the "includeMultiChainCurrencies" optional parameter to the /currencies endpoint.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
currencyStringtruecurrency name.
amountStringtruewithdrawal amount.
addressStringtruewithdrawal address.
paymentIdStringfalsepaymentId for currencies that use a command deposit address.
allowBorrowBooleanfalseallow to transfer borrowed funds (Default: false)
Example request:
"currency": "ETH",
"amount": "1.50",
"address": "0xbb8d0d7c346daecc2380dabaa91f3ccf8ae232fb4"
Response FieldData TypeDescription
withdrawalRequestsIdLongthe withdrawal reference ID
Example output:
"withdrawalRequestsId": 33485231

Withdraw Currency V2

  • POST

Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation. In order to use this method, withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key.

Some currencies use a common deposit address for everyone on the exchange and designate the account for which this payment is destined by populating memo field. In these cases, use /v2/currencies to look up the mainAccount for the currency to find the deposit address and use the address returned by /v2/wallets/addresses or generate one using /v2/wallets/address as the memo. Note: /v2/currencies will only include a mainAccount property for currencies which require a memo.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
coinStringtruethe currency to use for the deposit address, like”BTC, USDT or USDD”
networkStringtrueThe target network to withdraw to, like”BTC, ETH or TRX”
amountStringtruewithdrawal amount.
addressStringtruewithdrawal address.
addressTagStringfalsememo for currencies that use a command deposit address.
allowBorrowBooleanfalseallow to transfer borrowed funds (Default: false)
Example request:
"coin": "ETH",
"network": "ETH",
"amount": "1.50",
"address": "0xbb8d0d7c346daecc2380dabaa91f3ccf8ae232fb4"
Response FieldData TypeDescription
withdrawalRequestsIdLongthe withdrawal reference ID
Example output:
"withdrawalRequestsId": 33485231