Reference Data
Symbol Information
- GET{symbol}
: get all symbols and their tradeLimit info. priceScale is referring to the max number of decimals allowed for a given symbol. For example, priceScale of 2 implies accepted values like 200.34, 13.2, 100 and priceScale of 0 implies accepted values like 200, 92, 13. Fields quantityScale and amountScale work in similar fashion. minQuantity and minAmount refer to the minimum size of the order.
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | String | symbol name |
baseCurrencyName | String | base currency name |
quoteCurrencyName | String | quote currency name |
displayName | String | symbol display name |
state | String | NORMAL, PAUSE, POST_ONLY |
visibleStartTime | Long | time since symbol is visible in the frontend |
tradableStartTime | Long | time since symbol is tradable |
symbolTradeLimit | Map | symbol market configuration |
crossMargin | Map | symbol cross margin info |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | String | symbol name |
priceScale | Integer | decimal precision for price |
quantityScale | Integer | decimal precision for quantity |
amountScale | Integer | decimal precision for amount |
minQuantity | String | minimum required quantity |
minAmount | String | minimum required amount |
highestBid | String | maximum allowed bid price (market bound) |
lowestAsk | String | minimum allowed ask price (market bound) |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
supportCrossMargin | Boolean | indicates if symbol supports cross margin |
maxLeverage | Integer | maximum supported leverage |
: get a single symbol and its tradeLimit info.
Request Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | true | symbol name |
Response fields and symbolTradeLimit fields are the same as those of /markets
Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"baseCurrencyName": "BTC",
"quoteCurrencyName": "USDT",
"displayName": "BTC/USDT",
"state": "NORMAL",
"visibleStartTime": 1659018819512,
"tradableStartTime": 1659018819512,
"symbolTradeLimit": {
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"priceScale": 2,
"quantityScale": 6,
"amountScale": 2,
"minQuantity": "0.000001",
"minAmount": "1",
"highestBid": "0",
"lowestAsk": "0"
"crossMargin": {
"supportCrossMargin": true,
"maxLeverage": 3
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"baseCurrencyName": "ETH",
"quoteCurrencyName": "USDT",
"displayName": "ETH/USDT",
"state": "NORMAL",
"visibleStartTime": 1659018820007,
"tradableStartTime": 1659018820007,
"symbolTradeLimit": {
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"priceScale": 2,
"quantityScale": 6,
"amountScale": 2,
"minQuantity": "0.000001",
"minAmount": "1",
"highestBid": "0",
"lowestAsk": "0"
"crossMargin": {
"supportCrossMargin": true,
"maxLeverage": 3
Currency Information
- GET{currency}
: get all supported currencies
Request Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
includeMultiChainCurrencies | Boolean | false | Default is false. Indicates if multi chain currencies are included. If set to true, additionally adds a new row for each currency on their respective chain (i.e USDT, USDTETH, USDTTRON will all have entries). |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
currency | Json | table below |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | currency id |
name | String | currency name |
description | String | the type of blockchain the currency runs on |
type | String | currency type |
withdrawalFee | String | The network fee necessary to withdraw this currency |
minConf | Integer | the minimum number of blocks necessary before a deposit can be credited to an account |
depositAddress | String | if available, the deposit address for this currency. |
blockchain | String | the blockchain the currency runs on |
delisted | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency has been delisted from the exchange |
tradingState | String | currency trading state: NORMAL or OFFLINE |
walletState | String | currency state: ENABLED or DISABLED |
walletDepositState | String | currency deposit state: ENABLED or DISABLED |
walletWithdrawalState | String | currency withdrawal state: ENABLED or DISABLED |
parentChain | String | only displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. The parent chain |
isMultiChain | Boolean | only displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. Indicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a multi chain |
isChildChain | Boolean | only displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. Indicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a child chain |
supportCollateral | Boolean | indicates if this currency supports collateral in cross margin |
supportBorrow | Boolean | indicates if this currency supports borrows in cross margin |
childChains | Array of String | only displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. The child chains |
Example output:
"ETH" : {
"id" : 267,
"name" : "Ethereum",
"description" : "Sweep to Main Account",
"type" : "address",
"withdrawalFee" : "0.00107535",
"minConf" : 12,
"depositAddress" : null,
"blockchain" : "ETH",
"delisted" : false,
"tradingState" : "NORMAL",
"walletState" : "ENABLED",
"walletDepositState" : "ENABLED",
"walletWithdrawalState" : "ENABLED",
"parentChain" : null,
"isMultiChain" : true,
"isChildChain" : false,
"supportCollateral": false,
"supportBorrow": false,
"childChains" : [ "ETHTRON" ]
"ABY": {
"id": 2,
"name": "ArtByte",
"description": "BTC Clone",
"type": "address",
"withdrawalFee": "0.01000000",
"minConf": 10000,
"depositAddress": null,
"blockchain": "ABY",
"delisted": true,
"tradingState": "OFFLINE",
"walletState": "DISABLED",
"walletDepositState" : "DISABLED",
"walletWithdrawalState" : "DISABLED",
"parentChain": null,
"isMultiChain": false,
"isChildChain": false,
"supportCollateral": false,
"supportBorrow": false,
"childChains": []
: get data for a supported currency
Request Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
currency | String | true | currency name |
includeMultiChainCurrencies | Boolean | false | Default is false. Indicates if multi chain currencies are included. If set to true, additionally adds a new row for each currency on their respective chain (i.e USDT, USDTETH, USDTTRON will all have entries). |
The response field and currency fields are the same as those of /currencies
Example output:
"BNB": {
"id": 343,
"name": "Binance Coin",
"description": "Sweep to Main Account",
"type": "address-payment-id",
"withdrawalFee": "0.00000001",
"minConf": 0,
"depositAddress": null,
"blockchain": "BNB",
"delisted": false,
"tradingState": "NORMAL",
"walletState": "ENABLED",
"walletDepositState" : "ENABLED",
"walletWithdrawalState" : "ENABLED",
"parentChain": null,
"isMultiChain": true,
"isChildChain": false,
"supportCollateral": true,
"supportBorrow": false,
"childChains": [
CurrencyV2 Information
- GET{currency}
: get all supported currencies
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
currency | Json | table below |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | currency id |
coin | String | currency symbol |
delisted | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency has been delisted from the exchange |
tradeEnable | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency can be traded on the exchange |
name | String | currency name |
supportCollateral | Boolean | indicates if this currency supports collateral in cross margin |
supportBorrow | Boolean | indicates if this currency supports borrows in cross margin |
networkList | Array of Json | the networks the currency runs on |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | currency id |
coin | String | currency symbol |
name | String | currency name |
currencyType | String | currency type: address or address-payment-id |
blockchain | String | the networks the currency runs on |
withdrawalEnable | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency can be withdrawn |
depositEnable | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency can be allowed to deposit |
depositAddress | String | if available, the deposit address for this currency |
withdrawMin | String | The minimum withdrawal amount, or a number less than or equal to 0 if none |
decimals | String | decimals of currency |
withdrawFee | String | withdraw fee of currency |
minConfirm | Integer | the minimum number of blocks necessary before a deposit can be credited to an account |
contractAddress | String | the currency contract address information |
Example output:
"id": 1,
"coin": "1CR",
"delisted": true,
"tradeEnable": false,
"name": "1CRedit",
"networkList": [
"id": 1,
"coin": "1CR",
"name": "1CRedit",
"currencyType": "address",
"blockchain": "1CR",
"withdrawalEnable": false,
"depositEnable": false,
"depositAddress": null,
"withdrawMin": null,
"decimals": 8,
"withdrawFee": "0.01000000",
"minConfirm": 10000,
"contractAddress": null
"id": 446,
"coin": "AAVE",
"delisted": false,
"tradeEnable": true,
"name": "Aave",
"networkList": [
"id": 446,
"coin": "AAVE",
"name": "Ethereum",
"currencyType": "address",
"blockchain": "ETH",
"withdrawalEnable": true,
"depositEnable": true,
"depositAddress": null,
"withdrawMin": null,
"decimals": 8,
"withdrawFee": "0.22553338",
"minConfirm": 12,
"contractAddress": "0x7fc66500c84a76ad7e9c93437bfc5ac33e2ddae9"
"supportCollateral": false,
"supportBorrow": false
: get data for a supported currency
Request Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
currency | String | true | currency name |
The response field and currency fields are the same as those of /v2/currencies
Example output:
"id" : 315,
"coin" : "TRX",
"delisted" : false,
"tradeEnable" : true,
"name" : "Tron",
"networkList" : [ {
"id" : 536,
"coin" : "TRXETH",
"name" : "Ethereum",
"currencyType" : "address",
"blockchain" : "ETH",
"withdrawalEnable" : false,
"depositEnable" : true,
"depositAddress" : null,
"decimals" : 6,
"withdrawMin" : null,
"withdrawFee" : "0.00000000",
"minConfirm" : 12,
"contractAddress": "0x50327c6c5a14dcade707abad2e27eb517df87ab5"
}, {
"id" : 315,
"coin" : "TRX",
"name" : "Tron",
"currencyType" : "address",
"blockchain" : "TRX",
"withdrawalEnable" : true,
"depositEnable" : true,
"depositAddress" : null,
"decimals" : 8,
"withdrawMin" : null,
"withdrawFee" : "0.00000000",
"minConfirm" : 0,
"contractAddress": null
} ],
"supportCollateral" : true,
"supportBorrow" : true
System Timestamp
Get current server time.
Example output:
"serverTime": 1649671195385