Reference Data
Information for symbols such as state and trade limits info. These are the same fields as /markets. Supports subscribing to a list of symbols or to all symbols.
Stream Response Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | String | symbol e.g: BTC_USDT |
baseCurrencyName | String | base currency name |
quoteCurrencyName | String | quote currency name |
displayName | String | symbol display name |
state | String | NORMAL, PAUSE, POST_ONLY |
visibleStartTime | Long | time since symbol is visible in the frontend |
tradableStartTime | Long | time since symbol is tradable |
symbolTradeLimit | Map | symbol market configuration |
crossMargin | Map | symbol cross margin info |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | String | symbol name |
priceScale | Integer | decimal precision for price |
quantityScale | Integer | decimal precision for quantity |
amountScale | Integer | decimal precision for amount |
minQuantity | String | minimum required quantity |
minAmount | String | minimum required amount |
highestBid | String | maximum allowed bid price (market bound) |
lowestAsk | String | minimum allowed ask price (market bound) |
Response Field | Data Type | Description |
supportCrossMargin | Boolean | indicates if symbol supports cross margin |
maxLeverage | Integer | maximum supported leverage |
Information for currencies. These are the same fields as /currencies including child chains. Supports subscribing to a list of currencies or to all currencies.
Stream Response Field | Data Type | Description |
currency | String | currency |
id | Integer | currency id |
name | String | currency name |
description | String | the type of blockchain the currency runs on |
type | String | currency type |
withdrawalFee | String | The network fee necessary to withdraw this currency |
minConf | Integer | the minimum number of blocks necessary before a deposit can be credited to an account |
depositAddress | String | if available, the deposit address for this currency. |
blockchain | String | the blockchain the currency runs on |
delisted | Boolean | designates whether (true) or not (false) this currency has been delisted from the exchange |
tradingState | String | currency trading state: NORMAL or OFFLINE |
walletState | String | currency state: ENABLED or DISABLED |
parentChain | String | only displayed when includeMultiChainCurrencies is set to true. The parent chain |
isMultiChain | Boolean | Indicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a multi chain |
isChildChain | Boolean | Indicates whether (true) or not (false) this currency is a child chain |
supportCollateral | Boolean | indicates if this currency supports collateral in cross margin |
supportBorrow | Boolean | Indicates if this currency supports borrows in cross margin |
childChains | Array of String | The child chains |
Provides status of MM (maintenance mode) or POM (post only mode) for the exchange.
Stream Response Field | Data Type | Description |
MM | String | maintenance mode e.g: ON or OFF |
POM | String | post only mode e.g: ON or OFF |