When a trade is executed, the following information will be pushed.
Pushing Frequency
Real Time
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
event | Yes | String | Operation: subscribe , unsubscribe |
channel | Yes | Array | trade |
symbols | Yes | Array | trading pair array |
Request Response
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | String | Operation: subscribe , unsubscribe |
channel | String | trade |
symbols | Array | trading pair array |
message | String | Error message |
Push Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel | String | trade |
data | Array | The subscribed data |
> symbol | String | A trading pair |
> side | String | Enumerate: BUY , SELL |
> ordId | String | Order ID |
> clOrdId | String | Client Order ID as assigned by the client |
> role | String | Execution Role: MAKER , TAKER |
> trdId | String | Transaction ID |
> feeCcy | String | Name of the currency used for trading fees |
> feeAmt | String | Cumulative amount of trading fee |
> deductCcy | String | Name of the currency used to deduct trading fees |
> deductAmt | String | Cumulative amount of trading fee deducted |
> fpx | String | price |
> fqty | String | size |
> uTime | String | Trade update time with a UTC timestamp (millisecond) |
> ts | Long | Push time (millisecond) |
Request Example
"event": "subscribe",
"channel": ["trade"],
"symbols": ["BTC_USDT_PERP"]
Push Data Example
"channel": "trade",
"data": [
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"side": "BUY",
"ordId": "353849510130364416",
"clOrdId": "polo353849510130364416",
"role": "TAKER",
"trdId": "48",
"feeCcy": "USDT",
"feeAmt": "0.259996",
"deductCcy": "",
"deductAmt": "0",
"fpx": "64999",
"fqty": "1",
"uTime": 1725330697559,
"ts": 1725330697579