


Poloniex Futures v2 API It will gradually go offline later, and you can access the V3 API to provide you with a better trading experience.

Get Interest Rate List

Check interest rate list.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/interest/query


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT


symbolStringSymbol of the contract
startAtlong[optional] Start time (millisecond)
endAtlong[optional] End time (millisecond)
reverseboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is reverse. True means “yes”. False means no. This parameter is set as True by default.
offsetlong[optional] Start offset. The unique attribute of the last returned result of the last request. The data of the first page will be returned by default.
forwardboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is forward or not. True means “yes” and False means “no”. This parameter is set as true by default
maxCountint[optional] Max record count. The default record count is 10
"dataList": [
"symbol": ".XBTINT", //Symbol of the Bitcoin Lending Rate
"granularity": 60000, //粒Granularity (millisecond)
"timePoint": 1557996300000, //Time point (millisecond)
"value": 0.0003 //Interest rate value
"symbol": ".XBTINT",
"granularity": 60000,
"timePoint": 1557996240000,
"value": 0.0003
"symbol": ".XBTINT",
"granularity": 60000,
"timePoint": 1557996180000,
"value": 0.0003
"hasMore": true //Whether there are more pages

Get Index List

Check index list

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/index/query


symbolStringSymbol of the contract
startAtlong[optional] Start time (millisecond)
endAtlong[optional] End time (millisecond)
reverseboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is reverse. True means “yes”. False means no. This parameter is set as True by default
offsetlong[optional] Start offset. The unique attribute of the last returned result of the last request. The data of the first page will be returned by default.
forwardboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is forward or not. True means “yes” and False means “no”. This parameter is set as true by default
maxCountint[optional] Max record count. The default record count is 10
"dataList": [
"symbol": ".PXBT", //Symbol of Bitcoin spot
"granularity": 1000, //Granularity (millisecond)
"timePoint": 1557998570000, //Time point (millisecond)
"value": 8016.24, //Index Value
"decomposionList": [ //Component List
"exchange": "gemini", //Exchange
"price": 8016.24, //Last traded price
"weight": 0.08042611 //Weight
"exchange": "kraken",
"price": 8016.24,
"weight": 0.02666502
"exchange": "coinbase",
"price": 8016.24,
"weight": 0.03847059
"exchange": "liquid",
"price": 8016.24,
"weight": 0.20419723
"exchange": "bittrex",
"price": 8016.24,
"weight": 0.29848962
"exchange": "bitstamp",
"price": 8016.24,
"weight": 0.35175143
"hasMore": true //Whether there are more pages

Get Current Mark Price

Check the current mark price.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/mark-price/{symbol}/current


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/mark-price/BTCUSDTPERP/current


symbolStringPath Parameter. Symbol of the contract
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"granularity": 1000, //Granularity (millisecond)
"timePoint": 1557999585000, //Time point (millisecond)
"value": 8052.51, //Mark price
"indexPrice": 8041.95 //Index price

Get Premium Index

Submit request to get premium index.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/premium/query


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/premium/query?symbol=BTCUSDTPERP


symbolStringSymbol of the contract
startAtlong[optional] Start time (millisecond)
endAtlong[optional] End time (millisecond)
reverseboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is reverse. True means “yes”. False means no. This parameter is set as True by default
offsetlong[optional] Start offset. The unique attribute of the last returned result of the last request. The data of the first page will be returned by default.
forwardboolean[optional] This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is forward or not. True means “yes” and False means “no”. This parameter is set as true by default
maxCountint[optional] Max record count. The default record count is 10
"dataList": [
"symbol": ".BTCUSDTPERPPI", //Premium index symbol
"granularity": 60000, //Granularity (millisecond)
"timePoint": 1558000320000, //Time point (millisecond)
"value": 0.022585 //Premium index
"symbol": ".BTCUSDTPERPPI",
"granularity": 60000,
"timePoint": 1558000260000,
"value": 0.022611
"symbol": ".BTCUSDTPERPPI",
"granularity": 60000,
"timePoint": 1558000200000,
"value": 0.021421
"hasMore": true //Whether there are more pages

Get Current Funding Rate

Submit request to check the current mark price.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/funding-rate/{symbol}/current


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/funding-rate/BTCUSDTPERP/current


symbolStringPath Parameter. Symbol of the contract.
"symbol": ".BTCUSDTPERPFPI8H", //Funding Rate Symbol
"granularity": 28800000, //Granularity (millisecond)
"timePoint": 1558000800000, //Time point (millisecond)
"value": 0.00375, //Funding rate
"predictedValue": 0.00375 //Predicted funding rate