
Get Ticker


Poloniex Futures v2 API It will gradually go offline later, and you can access the V3 API to provide you with a better trading experience.

Get Real-Time Ticker 1.0

The real-time ticker 1.0 includes the last traded price, the last traded size, transaction ID, the side of the liquidity taker, the best bid price and size, the best ask price and size as well as the transaction time of the orders. These messages can also be obtained through the Websocket. The Sequence Number is used to judge whether the messages pushed by the Websocket is continuous.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/ticker


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v1/ticker?symbol=BTCUSDTPERP


symbolStringSymbol of the contract
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"sequence": 1001, //Sequence number
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"side": "buy", //Side of liquidity taker
"size": 10, //Filled quantity
"price": "7000.0", //Filled price
"bestBidSize": 20, //Best bid size
"bestBidPrice": "7000.0", //Best bid price
"bestAskSize": 30, //Best ask size
"bestAskPrice": "7001.0", //Best ask price
"tradeId": "5cbd7377a6ffab0c7ba98b26", //Transaction ID
"ts": 1550653727731 //Filled time - nanosecond

Get Real-Time Ticker 2.0

The real-time ticker 2.0 includes the last traded price, the last traded size, transaction ID, the side of the liquidity taker, the best bid price and size, the best ask price and size as well as the transaction time of the orders. Version 2.0 has lower latency than version 1.0. Version 2.0 is recommended. These messages can also be obtained through the Websocket. The Sequence Number is used to judge whether the messages pushed by the Websocket is continuous.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v2/ticker


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v2/ticker?symbol=BTCUSDTPERP


symbolStringSymbol of the contract
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"sequence": 1001, //Sequence number
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"side": "buy", //Side of liquidity taker
"size": 10, //Filled quantity
"price": "7000.0", //Filled price
"bestBidSize": 20, //Best bid size
"bestBidPrice": "7000.0", //Best bid price
"bestAskSize": 30, //Best ask size
"bestAskPrice": "7001.0", //Best ask price
"tradeId": "5cbd7377a6ffab0c7ba98b26", //Transaction ID
"ts": 1550653727731 //Filled time - nanosecond

Get Real-Time Ticker of all symbols

The real-time tickers includes tickers of all trading symbols.

HTTP Request

GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v2/tickers


GET https://futures-api.poloniex.com/api/v2/tickers

"code": "200000",
"data": [
"sequence": 1216084, //Sequence number
"symbol": "BTCUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"side": "buy", //Side of liquidity taker
"size": 2, //Filled quantity
"price": "57959.0", //Filled price
"bestBidSize": 362, //Best bid size
"bestBidPrice": "57921.0", //Best bid price
"bestAskPrice": "58004.0", //Best ask price
"tradeId": "606d5fd5d49eb222ee3f70ee" , //Transaction ID
"bestAskSize": 690, //Best ask size
"ts": 1617780689343866803 //Filled time - nanosecond
"sequence": 1078314, //Sequence number
"symbol": "ETHUSDTPERP", //Symbol
"side": "buy", //Side of liquidity taker
"size": 2, //Filled quantity
"price": "2080.9", //Filled price
"bestBidSize": 707, //Best bid size
"bestBidPrice": "2080.15", //Best bid price
"bestAskPrice": "2081.1", //Best ask price
"tradeId": "606d5fd5d49eb25bfaae2783", //Transaction ID
"bestAskSize": 600, //Best ask size
"ts": 1617780693401774615 //Filled time - nanosecond