

Account Margin

  • GET https://api.poloniex.com/margin/accountMargin

Get account margin information

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
accountTypeStringtrueThe account type. Currently only SPOT is supported
Response FieldData TypeDescription
totalAccountValueStringthe sum of the usd value of all balances plus unrealized pnl, including the value of non-collateral holdings
totalMarginStringcollateral that can be used for margin
usedMarginStringamount of margin that has been used; cannot open new positions if total margin falls below this value
freeMarginStringavailable free margin
maintenanceMarginStringminimum amount needed to keep account in good standing; enters liquidation mode if total margin falls below this value
marginRatioStringis calculated as total margin / maintenance Margin; account enters liquidation mode if this value < 100%
timeLongtime the record was created
Example output:
"totalAccountValue": "24121.5",
"totalMargin": "21421.5",
"usedMargin": "2323.32",
"freeMargin": "2323.32",
"maintenanceMargin": "1231.4",
"marginRatio": "1739.61%",
"time": 1668542860395

Borrow Status

  • GET https://api.poloniex.com/margin/borrowStatus

Get borrow status of currencies

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
currencyStringfalsecurrency name
Response FieldData TypeDescription
currencyStringcurrency name
availableStringamount of available currency
borrowedStringborrowed amount
holdStringfrozen amount
maxAvailableStringamount that can be withdrawn, including what's borrowable with margin
hourlyBorrowRateStringborrow rate per hour
versionStringcurrent version of the currency
Example output:
"currency": "BTC",
"available": "0.0",
"borrowed": "-10.0",
"hold": "0.0",
"maxAvailable": "20.0",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.000045",
"version": "111"
"currency": "ETH",
"available": "100",
"borrowed": "0.0",
"hold": "0.0",
"maxAvailable": "200",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.000045",
"version": "122"

Maximum Buy/Sell Amount

  • GET https://api.poloniex.com/margin/maxSize

Get maximum and available buy/sell amount for a given symbol.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name
Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
maxLeverageIntegermax leverage for the symbol
availableBuyStringavailable amount for the quote currency that can be bought
maxAvailableBuyStringmaximum amount in quote currency that can be bought including margin
availableSellStringavailable amount for the base currency that can be sold
maxAvailableSellStringmaximum amount in base currency that can be sold including margin
Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"maxLeverage": 3,
"availableBuy": "10000.0",
"maxAvailableBuy": "10000.0",
"availableSell": "1.0",
"maxAvailableSell": "2.0",