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Collateral Info​

  • GET
  • GET{currency}/collateralInfo

/markets/collateralInfo: Get collateral information for all currencies.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
currencyStringcurrency name
collateralRateStringcollateral rate of the currency in cross margin
initialMarginRateStringinitial margin rate of this currency
maintenanceMarginRateStringmaintenance margin rate of this currency
Example output:
"currency": "BTC",
"collateralRate": "0.95",
"initialMarginRate": "0.50",
"maintenanceMarginRate": "0.10"
"currency": "ETH",
"collateralRate": "0.95",
"initialMarginRate": "0.55",
"maintenanceMarginRate": "0.11"

/markets/{currency}/collateralInfo: Get collateral information for a single currency.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
currencyStringtruecurrency name

Response fields are the same as /markets/collateralInfo.

Example output:
"currency": "BTC",
"collateralRate": "0.95",
"initialMarginRate": "0.50",
"maintenanceMarginRate": "0.10"

Borrow Rates Info​

  • GET

/markets/borrowRatesInfo: Get borrow rates information for all tiers and currencies.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
tierStringtier for borrow rates
ratesArray of Jsonborrow rates per currency
rates field
Response FieldData TypeDescription
currencyStringcurrency name
dailyBorrowRateStringborrow rate per day
hourlyBorrowRateStringborrow rate per hour
borrowLimitStringborrow limit amount for the currency
Example output:
"tier": "TIER1",
"rates": [
"currency": "BTC",
"dailyBorrowRate": "1",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.04166",
"borrowLimit": "10"
"currency": "ETH",
"dailyBorrowRate": "1",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.04166",
"borrowLimit": "100"
"tier": "TIER2",
"rates": [
"currency": "BTC",
"dailyBorrowRate": "0.95",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.03958",
"borrowLimit": "11"
"currency": "ETH",
"dailyBorrowRate": "1",
"hourlyBorrowRate": "0.03958",
"borrowLimit": "110"