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Market Data


  • GET
  • GET{symbol}/price

/markets/price: Get latest trade price for all symbols.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
priceStringcurrent price
timeLongtime the record was created
dailyChangeStringdaily change in decimal
tsLongtime the record was pushed
Example output:
"symbol": "TRX_USDC",
"price": "0.06023436",
"time": 1648823320095,
"dailyChange": "0.0113",
"ts": 1649022802046
"symbol": "ELON_USDC",
"price": "0.0000007",
"time": 1648509468464,
"dailyChange": "-0.002",
"ts": 1649022801990

/markets/{symbol}/price: Get latest trade price for a symbol.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name

Response fields are the same as /markets/price.

Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"price": "38597.32",
"time": 1648866396349,
"dailyChange": "0.0102",
"ts": 1649052548178

Mark Price

  • GET
  • GET{symbol}/markPrice

/markets/price: Get latest mark price for all cross margin symbols.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
markPriceStringcurrent mark price
timeLongtime the record was created
Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"markPrice": "17580.34",
"time": 1648823320095
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"markPrice": "1205.64",
"time": 1648509468464

/markets/{symbol}/price: Get latest mark price for a single cross margin symbol.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name

Response fields are the same as /markets/markPrice.

Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"markPrice": "17580.34",
"time": 1648823320095

Mark Price Components

  • GET{symbol}/markPriceComponents

Get components of the mark price for a given symbol

Response FieldData TypeDescription
markPriceStringmark price of the symbol
symbolStringsymbol name
componentsArray of Jsonprice and weight info for the symbol from various exchanges
Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
symbolPriceStringsymbol price
weightStringweight assigned to the exchange price
convertPriceStringsymbol price converted to index
exchangeStringname of exchange
Example output:
"markPrice": "17735.41",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"ts": 1630985335599,
"components": [
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"symbolPrice": "17733.25",
"weight": "0.250",
"convertPrice": "17733.25",
"exchange": "OKEx"
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"symbolPrice": "17739.87",
"weight": "0.750",
"convertPrice": "17739.87",
"exchange": "Binance"

Order Book

  • GET{symbol}/orderBook

Get the order book for a given symbol. Scale and limit values are optional.
For valid scale values, please refer to the scale values defined for each symbol . If scale is not supplied, then no grouping/aggregation will be applied.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name
scaleStringfalsecontrols aggregation by price
limitIntegerfalsemaximum number of records returned. The default value of limit is 10. Valid limit values are: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150.
Response FieldData TypeDescription
timeLongtime the record was created
scaleStringcontrols aggregation by price
asksList<String>list of asks
bidsList<String>list of bids
tsLongtime the record was pushed
Example output:
"time": 1648708448871,
"scale": "1",
"asks": [
"bids": [
"ts": 1648708448873


  • GET{symbol}/candles

Returns OHLC for a symbol at given timeframe (interval).

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name
intervalStringtruethe unit of time to aggregate data by. Valid values: MINUTE_1, MINUTE_5, MINUTE_10, MINUTE_15, MINUTE_30, HOUR_1, HOUR_2, HOUR_4, HOUR_6, HOUR_12, DAY_1, DAY_3, WEEK_1 and MONTH_1
limitIntegerfalsemaximum number of records returned. The default value is 100 and the max value is 500.
startTimeLongfalsefilters by time. The default value is 0.
endTimeLongfalsefilters by time. The default value is current time

The response is a list of candles data values displayed in an array in the following order:

Data FieldData TypeDescription
lowStringlowest price over the interval
highStringhighest price over the interval
openStringprice at the start time
closeStringprice at the end time
amountStringquote units traded over the interval
quantityStringbase units traded over the interval
buyTakerAmountStringquote units traded over the interval filled by market buy orders
buyTakerQuantityStringbase units traded over the interval filled by market buy orders
tradeCountIntegercount of trades
tsLongtime the record was pushed
weightedAverageStringweighted average over the interval
intervalStringthe selected interval
startTimeLongstart time of interval
closeTimeLongclose time of interval
Example output:


  • GET{symbol}/trades

Returns a list of recent trades, request param limit is optional, its default value is 500, and max value is 1000.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name
limitIntegerfalsemaximum number of records returned
Response FieldData TypeDescription
idStringtrade id
priceStringtrade price
quantityStringbase units traded
amountStringquote units traded
takerSideStringtaker's trade side (BUY, SELL)
tsLongtime the trade was pushed
createTimeLongtime the trade was created
Example output:
"id": "194",
"price": "1.9",
"quantity": "110",
"amount": "209.00",
"takerSide": "SELL",
"ts": 1648690080545,
"createTime": 1648634905695


  • GET
  • GET{symbol}/ticker24h

Retrieve ticker in last 24 hours for all symbols.

Response FieldData TypeDescription
symbolStringsymbol name
openStringprice at the start time
lowStringlowest price over the last 24h
highStringhighest price over the last 24h
closeStringprice at the end time
quantityStringbase units traded over the last 24h
amountStringquote units traded over the last 24h
tradeCountIntegercount of trades
startTimeLongstart time for the 24h interval
closeTimeLongclose time for the 24h interval
displayNameStringsymbol display name
dailyChangeStringdaily change in decimal
bidStringBest bid price
bidQuantityStringBest bid quantity
askStringBest ask price
askQuantityStringBest ask quantity
tsLongtime the record was pushed
markPriceStringcurrent mark price
Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"open": "30338.34",
"low": "30308.14",
"high": "32338.91",
"close": "30938.56",
"quantity": "0.1",
"amount": "0",
"tradeCount": 1,
"startTime": 1648995780000,
"closeTime": 1649082121008,
"displayName": "BTC/USDT",
"dailyChange": "0.0198",
"bid": "30338.34",
"bidQuantity": "0.01",
"ask": "30338.35",
"askQuantity": "0.01",
"ts": 1649082180190,
"markPrice": "30938.57"
"symbol": "ETH_USDT",
"open": "1817.69",
"low": "1723.50",
"high": "1897.12",
"close": "1723.50",
"quantity": "2",
"amount": "0",
"tradeCount": 5,
"startTime": 1648995780000,
"closeTime": 1649082121009,
"displayName": "ETH/USDT",
"dailyChange": "-0.0052",
"bid": "1817.70",
"bidQuantity": "0.01",
"ask": "1817.71",
"askQuantity": "0.01",
"ts": 1649082180190,
"markPrice": "1723.51"

Retrieve ticker in last 24 hours for a given symbol.

Request ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
symbolStringtruesymbol name

Response fields are the same as /markets/ticker24h

Example output:
"symbol": "BTC_USDT",
"open": "30338.34",
"low": "30308.14",
"high": "32338.91",
"close": "30938.56",
"quantity": "0.1",
"amount": "0",
"tradeCount": 1,
"startTime": 1648995360000,
"closeTime": 1649081701009,
"displayName": "BTC/USDT",
"dailyChange": "0.0198",
"bid": "30338.34",
"bidQuantity": "0.01",
"ask": "30338.35",
"askQuantity": "0.01",
"ts": 1649081760190,
"markPrice": "30938.57"