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Inquire about the basic information of the all product.

HTTP Request

GET /v3/market/allInstruments

Request Parameters

symbolNoStringA trading pair

Response Parameters

symbolStringA trading pair, consisting of two currencies: base currency and quote currency
bAssetStringUnderlying asset (e.g. BTCUSD index)
bCcyStringBase currency - In the BTCUSDT trading pair, it is BTC.
qCcyStringQuote currency - In the BTCUSDT trading pair, it is USDT.
visibleStartTimeStringThe visible time for the trading pair displayed on the frontend interface.
tradableStartTimeStringThe tradable time for the trading pair displayed on the frontend interface.
sCcyStringSettlement currency
tSzStringTick size. The minimum price movement of a symbol in the market, e.g., it is 0.001 for BTC.
pxScaleStringPrice precision
lotSzIntegerOrder size precision. The amount of futures trades is measured in Cont, while the amount of spot trades is measured in the base currency.
minSzIntegerMinimum order size. The amount of futures trades is measured in Cont, while the amount of spot trades is measured in the base currency.
ctValStringContract face value, e.g., 0.001 BTC (per contract) - applicable only to futures trading
oDateStringListing date
maxPxStringMaximum order price
minPxStringMinimum order price
marketMaxQtyIntegerMarket maximum size of an order
limitMaxQtyIntegerLimit maximum size of an order
maxQty (Abandoned)StringMaximum size of an order
minQtyStringMinimum size of an order
maxLeverStringMaximum leverage
leverStringDefault leverage
ordPxRangeStringOrder price range
ctTypeStringContract typeLinear: LINEAR futuresInverse: INVERSE futuresApplicable only to Delivery/Perpetual Futures
aliasStringthis_week: this weeknext_week: next weekthis_month: this monthnext_month: next monthquarter: quarternext_quarter: next quarterApplicable only to Delivery Futures
tFeeStringTaker fee
mFeeStringMaker fee
iMStringInitial margin rate
mMStringMaintenance margin rate
mRStringMaximum risk limit

Request Example

"symbol": ""

Response Example

"code": 200,
"data": [{
"alias": "",
"bAsset": ".PXBTUSDT",
"bCcy": "BTC",
"ctType": "LINEAR",
"ctVal": "0.001",
"iM": "0.01",
"lever": "100",
"ordPxRange": "0.3",
"lotSz": 1,
"mM": "0.0055",
"mR": "50000",
"maxLever": "100",
"maxPx": "1000000",
"maxQty": "1000000",
"minPx": "0.01",
"marketMaxQty": 100000,
"limitMaxQty": 100000,
"minQty": "1",
"minSz": 1,
"oDate": "1687685463000",
"pxScale": "0.01,0.1,1,10,100",
"qCcy": "USDT",
"sCcy": "USDT",
"status": "OPEN",
"symbol": "BTC_USDT_PERP",
"tSz": "0.01",
"tradableStartTime": "1683104400000",
"visibleStartTime": "1683104400000"
"alias": "",
"bAsset": ".PETHUSDT",
"bCcy": "ETH",
"ctType": "LINEAR",
"ctVal": "0.001",
"iM": "0.01",
"lever": "100",
"ordPxRange": "0.3",
"lotSz": 1,
"mM": "0.0055",
"mR": "50000",
"maxLever": "100",
"maxPx": "1000000",
"maxQty": "1000000",
"minPx": "0.01",
"marketMaxQty": 100000,
"limitMaxQty": 100000,
"minQty": "1",
"minSz": 1,
"oDate": "1687685463000",
"pxScale": "0.01,0.1,1,10,100",
"qCcy": "USDT",
"sCcy": "USDT",
"status": "OPEN",
"symbol": "ETH_USDT_PERP",
"tSz": "0.01",
"tradableStartTime": "1683104400000",
"visibleStartTime": "1683104400000"
"msg": "Success"