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Get Market Info


Get the market information of trading pairs in the past 24 hours.

HTTP Request

GET /v3/market/tickers

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

sStringA trading pair
oStringOpening price
lStringLowest price in the past 24 hours
hStringHighest price in the past 24 hours
cStringClosing price
qtyStringTrading unit, the quantity of the base currency, or Cont for the number of contracts.
amtStringTrading unit, the quantity of the quote currency.
tCStringTrade counts
sTStringStart time of the 24-hour interval
cTStringEnd time of the 24-hour interval
dCStringDaily price change in decimal
bPxStringBest ask price
bSzStringQuantity at the best ask price
aPxStringBest bid price
aSzStringQuantity at the best bid price
mPxStringMark price

Request Example


Response Example

"code": 200,
"msg": "Success",
"data": [
"o": "30338.34",
"l": "30308.14",
"h": "32338.91",
"c": "30938.56",
"qty": "0.1",
"amt": "0",
"tC": 1,
"sT": 1648995780000,
"cT": 1649082121008,
"dC": "0.0198",
"bPx": "0.01",
"bSz": "30338.35",
"aPx": "0.01",
"aSz": "34.3",
"mPx": "30938.57"